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A Street hawker

A Street hawker

A Street hawker is a person who hawks various kinds of things by going from door to door or street to street. He is greatly seen in the street of a city or a town. He generally sells toys, bangles, ribbons, cloths, fruits, domestic articles etc.. He usually carries his materials on head or in hands and sometimes in a small handcraft. There are some Street hawkers who sell their goods sitting on the footpath. Generally he buys his goods at a cheaper rate and sells them in high price to make profit. He is a very clever man. He knows how to attract the customers to buy things. His customers are children and women whom he can cheat easily. He brings toys, sweets and other things for children and sells them at a fixed price. He also brings bangles, ribbons, cloths, fancy goods and the things of domestic uses women. He makes a peculiar sound to attract the attention of the customers. A Street hawker may be an illiterate person but he knows his business very well. He does not come when the master or the male person is present at home. Rather he comes when the master or the male person is out of home and when women are free from their household work. Often he cheats customers by giving low quality goods at a high price. By hawking things many people of our country earn their livelihood.

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