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Now a day’s deforestation is a great problem which is created by cruel people. Cutting down trees indiscriminately to meet the basic needs like food, shelter by destroying the ecological balance is called deforestation. There are many reasons for deforestation. Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world. Its population is much more than its area. This huge number of population needs more shelter, agricultural land, fuel, furniture etc. Man uses wood from trees to make furniture’s, shops, boats, table, chair etc.  For these types of needs they cut trees. Moreover, there are some dishonest people who cut trees from forest to make money. The effect of deforestation is too much in our life. This destruction disturbs ecological and biological balance. It causes Carbon dioxide (CO2) and temperature are increasing day by day which is turned into Greenhouse effect. As a result, the world is being warmer. Also the sea level is rising and some parts of the world are going under water. On the other hand, some areas of the world are turning into desert. By cutting trees all living birds and animals are in great threat for their shelter and food. The natural disasters like flood, soil erosion are occurring more due to deforestation.  And the high temperature causes great damage in agricultural sector. So, we need to extend tree plantation programme to remove deforestation. And also we need to create awareness about it.

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