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Duties of Students

Duties of Student

A student has a lot of duties to himself as well as to others. His duties to himself are very important because student life is the best part of his life. It is the seed sowing time of life. What a student sows at this period that he will get reap in his later life.

The primary and foremost duty of a student is to prosecute his studies with a great care. He should not waste his time and energy in anything other than his studies. He should learn his lessons well and should do his works properly. It is also necessary for him to do physical exercise regularly. The man who is physically weak can’t achieve anything good in life. 

A student has duties to his parents and to his superiors. The best way to repay them is to fulfill their expectations. A student can learn much from his parents and his superiors. He should also develop the habit of helping others. 

Bangladesh is an over populated country. Most of the village people of our country are illiterate. They are also superstitious. They have no knowledge about family planning. In this regard students can render a good social service. They can explain to the illiterate village people the need for family planning.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Her prosperity depends on agriculture. But the farmers of our country are. They have no knowledge about scientific method of cultivation. In this case students can teach the illiterate farmers.

Students in our country can give free service in different spheres of our national life. Most of the people our country are illiterate. Students can open night schools and teach the illiterate people. They can remove illiteracy from our country.

Student’s service is necessary in the field of our national health. Female students can teach the uneducated women how to keep their houses neat and clean how to bring up their children and look after their health. The village people and the people are living in the slums suffer from many disease. They have no knowledge about health and environment. Students can teach them about the basic rules of health.

During floods, cyclones and famine students can play a vital role by helping the affected people. Students can beg money from the rich people and raise funds and save the affected people.

Beside students should cultivate good habits. If a student is laborious, honest and sincere in this stage of life, these virtues will guide him to the right path. On the contrary, if he is lazy, dishonest and not laborious in this stage of life, these will spoil his later life. So we should try our best to form good habits and avoids bad ones. In our students life, we should choose our companions with great care. So it is the duty of a student to mix with good company give up bad ones.

The future of a nation depends on what the students are doing today. If a student does not do his duties properly no nation can expect much from him. A student should bear in mind that only students can make a nation great. They are the soldiers of social peace. So, students should serve society without any selfish motive.

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