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letter to your friend to console for her mother’s death?

05 June, 2010
Akhra, Delhi-12151

Dear Syma,

I am deeply shocked to hear the sad news of yours mother’s sudden death.  It came to me like a bolt from blue.  I can’t imagine even now that your mother is no longer among us. Whenever I close my eyes, her loving face appears before me. To me it’s a great loss. She was so kind and good to me that I couldn’t think her to be other than my own mother. I find no words adequate enough to console you in such a bereave hour. What pains me most is that your mother died an unexpected premature death. Her death reminds me once again that man is mortal. 

What I can say, you must not break down at this time. Her death has devolved upon you a great responsibility. I pray that may Allah give you courage to bear this tragedy. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

Sorrowfully Yours

** Draw an envelop.

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