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Street Accident

Street  Accident

Street accident is now a common term in our country. There are many problems in our country. Road management is one of them. Bangladesh is an over populated country. So, street accidents are very common here. Everyday we find street accident news in our daily newspapers. It becomes as a global tragedy in present situation. In our country, it represents a major public problem for the high number of victims involve. It causes greater impact to the victim themselves and their families as well. Accidents can be classified in two ways. Firstly, single vehicle accidents like the vehicle with fixed objects or with the people or when the vehicle falls beside the road. Secondly, multiple vehicle accidents when more than one vehicles causes collision. In our country, technology has developed but people are not developed as technology. By increasing of street accident we can understand about the population condition, motorization and industrialization of any country. There are many reasons of street accident such as skill less and license less drivers, old bus, and truck and also the street people etc. the government should take necessary steps like making laws to reduce street accident. And also we should aware about accident.

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