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A Journey by Boat

A Journey by Boat

Journey is always pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey my heart leaps up with joy. But my greatest pleasure in a journey by Boat. Bangladesh is a riverine country. So it is easy to make a journey by Boat. A journey by Boat is interesting and pleasant.
A few days ago, I made a journey with some of my friends from Demra to Ghorashal. It was something like a thrilling adventure to me. It gave me a golden opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature. After making all necessary arrangements we hired a big boat.
On the appointed day we started our journey just at 9:30 am.. The boatman began to row the boat and it was moving swiftly. The sky was clear and the weather was fine. The river was calm. A breeze was blowing and small waves were beating against the boat. We enjoyed the beautiful sights on both sides of the river. The green trees and paddy fields on either side of the river gave me a nice view. We saw many boys and girls bathing and swimming in the river. Fisherman was catching fish. Women were seen to fill water in pitches. Houses and trees on the both sides were seen coming and going slowly.
At about 11:30 pm. our boat touched the ghat of a village market. Some of my friends got down to buy a large Hilsha fish. The boatman cooked it and we took our launch.  At about 12 pm. we started our journey again. At last we reached our destiny Ghorashal at 2 pm . Some of our friends were waiting for us and we felt happy to see them. We spent one hour to enjoy there.
We started our return journey at 3 pm..  The evening came with all its beauty and glory. We didn’t miss that moment.  I with some of my friends got on the roof of the boat and enjoyed the nature. We also enjoyed the sunset moment. At last we reached our home 7:30 pm..
The journey gave me much pleasure. It was one of the most memorable day in my life.