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Prayer for opening a charitable dispensary.

The Deputy Commissioner

Sub: Prayer for opening a charitable dispensary.

We, the inhabitants of the Birgonj of your district, would like to draw your kind attention that we are suffering from very recent flood. This flood has taken away everything that we have. Now we have nothing as well as no food. Most of us are lying down without food. We are in a great crisis of food. Thousands of people have become homeless. They are now living under the open sky. Due to having no source of pure drinking, so they are suffering with many dangerous water borne diseases like cholera, diarrhea which has spread in an epidemic form. We are in badly need of medicines. But it is a matter of great regret that there is no charitable dispensary in the village.

We therefore, pray ad hope that you would be kind enough to open a charitable dispensary for flood affected people.

Yours faithfully,
Manik Chowdhury
On behalf of the inhabitants of Dinajpur district.

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