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writing an application for repairing damaged roads.

The Chairman
Shashidal Union Parishad,
B.para, Cumilla

Sub: Prayer for repairing damaged roads.

We, the inhabitants of the village Shashidal of your Union, would like to draw your kind attention that the one and only main road our district to union Parishad got badly damaged by the recent flood. The students are not able to attend schools and colleges. Also villagers cannot move whether they need to go especially to nearby bazars. As a result, people often fall down in the holes and get drenched which are created by the recent flood.

We therefore, pray ad hope that you would be kind enough to repair the damage roads for us.

Yours faithfully,
Raisa Tabassum
On behalf of the inhabitants of Shashidal Union Parishad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.