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What should do a diabetic patient during this coronavirus epidemic period?

Diabetes and COVID-19

It is a matter of sad that COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. For this reason, all of us around the world are worried about COVID-19. In another side, diabetes is one of the dangerous disease. Perhaps the diabetic patient may more worry about COVID-19. All of us need to be careful to avoid the COVID-19. If you are type 1 or type 2 diabetes patient, you must be more careful. Some research says that about 25 percent of the people who have severe coronavirus infection, they are diabetic patient. But don’t be worried, just you have to do something to avoid COVID-19.


What should do a diabetic patient during this coronavirus epidemic period?

  • ·         Best way is to stay home.
  • ·         Use face mask.
  • ·         Make distance (at least 3 feet) from other people while going outside (If emergency to go).
  • ·         Wash hands before you give yourself a finger stick or insulin shot.
  • ·         Keep your blood sugar under control.
  • ·         Use good hygiene.
  • ·         Better not to eat any food brought from outside.
  • ·         To control sugar, walk at home and do effective light exercise.
  • ·         Age of over 60 with diabetes people should stay in quarantine on their own.
  • ·         If the body is not so bad, it is better not to go to the hospital, stay home as long as you can.
  • ·         Need to keep extra glucagon and ketone strips.
  • ·         Maximum effort should be given to control the blood sugar without wasting any time.
  • ·         Insulin and other medications should keep in stock with maximum number.
  • ·         You can contact with doctors over phone is another best option.

1 comment:

Rlog said...

Contemporary and so useful post. Love u ... go ahead sir/mam.