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Write a letter to your friend about what you intend to do after your SSC Examination?

May 5, 2020
House no. 31
Sector 2
Mirpur, Dhaka

Dear X,

My heartiest love to you. Hope you are fine. I am very glad to receive your letter. In the letter you have wanted to know about what I intend to do after my SSC examination. I am now writing about it.

You know I grow up in village till primary education. After my SSC examination, I would like to go in my village. Most of the people of our village are illiterate. They do not know about health, sanitation, family planning etc. So I and some of friends have decided we will make a campaign about health and sanitation. We will stay there till the vacation end. By this time we will try to aware them about health and sanitation.

Take care. No more today. We will talk more when we meet.

Your loving friend,

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