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Write a letter to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your school?

June 5, 2019
House no. 31
Sector 2
Mirpur, Dhaka

Dear X,

My heartiest love to you. Hope you are fine. I am very glad to receive your letter. In the letter you have wanted to know about the prize giving ceremony of my school. I am now writing about it.

You know prize giving ceremony is a day of enjoy. So we have enjoyed the day of prize giving ceremony of our school. The programme was started at 4 p.m. on 3rd June. We decorated our school campus with colorful papers and flowers. In the programme, the chairman was the chief guest. Our all school staffs was present there. The Headmaster of the school read out the annual report. Then the winners were given prizes by the chief guest. I also got a prize for good result in the examination. The programme was end with the concluding speech of chief guest and the Headmaster. It is a memorable day for me.

Take care. No more today. We will talk more when we meet.

Your loving friend,

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