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Write a letter to your friend about the benefits of reading newspaper everyday?

June 5, 2019
House no. 31
Sector 2
Mirpur, Dhaka

Dear X,

My heartiest love to you. Hope you are fine. I am very glad to receive your letter. In the letter you have wanted to know about the necessity/importance/ benefits of reading newspaper. I am now writing about it.

Newspaper is the store house of knowledge. If we want to know about our country and the world, we must read the newspaper. Newspapers contain different articles on various subjects like present and older topics, frontline national and international topics, country issues, business issues, economics issues, sports issues, entertainment issues, editorial issues etc. Actually there is no alternate of gathering knowledge without reading newspaper. So it is very important to read newspaper. I advise you to read newspaper daily.

Take care. No more today. We will talk more when we meet.

Your loving friend,

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