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Write a letter to your friend describing the picnic that you have enjoyed recently?

May 5, 2020
House no. 31
Sector 2
Mirpur, Dhaka

Dear X,

My heartiest love to you. Hope you are fine. I am very glad to receive your letter. In the letter you have wanted to know about the picnic I have enjoyed recently. I am now writing about it.

It was our school picnic that I have enjoyed recently. Our school teachers made a plan to visit national memorial at Savar on last weekend. They hired a bus for the picnic programme. We started our journey at 7:00 am from our school. It is about 28 kms from Dhaka. At 8:30 am we reached there with all cooking materials. Firstly we wash our hand and face and then took our breakfast. Then we started moving around by the guiding of our teachers. After that Our English teacher helped us in cooking. At about 2 pm the lunch was ready. After lunch, we visit rest of the part of the memorial. And at 4 pm we started back for home after taking our tea. If you were there then it would be more pleasure. We really missed you very much.

Take care. No more today. We will talk more when we meet.

Your loving friend,

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