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Write a letter to your pen friend describing the food and food habits in Bangladesh?

June 5, 2019
House no. 31
Sector 2
Mirpur, Dhaka

Dear X,

My heartiest love to you. Hope you are fine. I am very glad to receive your letter. In the letter you have wanted to know about the food and food habits of Bangladesh as well as our country. I am now writing about it.

The food habits are always differ from one country to other countries. We have our own food habits. There are some food and food habits of us. But favorite foods are mainly fish and rice. Our another important food is vegetable, fish and meat. We have also other food item like Biriyabi, Khichuri, Teheri. Besides, we are fond of different kinds of pithas. Pithas like patisapta, bhapa, chitai, coconut pitha etc. When you come to my country, you will be tasted all of our food.

Take care. No more today. We will talk more when we meet.

Your loving friend,

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