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Diabetes, Types, Symptoms, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of diabetes


Diabetes refers a chronic disease that happens when the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin or when the body cannot produces enough insulin. Insulin means one kind of hormone which regulates the blood sugar. Higher level blood sugar (Hyperglycaemia) is a very common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time which causes serious effects to nerves and blood vessels as well as to the body system. It affects blood sugar which is known as glucose. Glucose is a source of energy for the development of muscles and tissues and brain.

Types of Diabetes:

There are 3 main types of diabetes in the world.

 1. Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent. It refers when human body cannot produces any insulin or produces very little which causes the blood glucose level is not in control. It can develop at any age, but mainly occurs in children and adolescents. Most important thing is that the reason and the preventive measure are still unknown. To control blood glucose level, it requires daily insulin.

 2. Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is also known as non-insulin-dependent or common diabetes. It refers when the body cannot make effective use of the insulin that it produces. It is found around 90% of all diabetes cases. It occurs mainly obesity or excess body weight and physical inactivity. Doing regular physical activity and maintaining diet are the treatment for this diabetes. Also to control blood glucose level, oral drugs and/or insulin can be taken.

 3. Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes which refers to high blood glucose level during pregnancy. This kind of diabetes increase the risk at delivery. When this kind of diabetes is found, there is a possibility of type 2 diabetes in the future for the women and children. Though it disappears after pregnancy period but there is still a risk of type 2 diabetes in future.


Symptoms of Diabetes:

  • Frequently excretion of urine.
  • More thirsty.
  • Weight losing.
  • Blurry vision or vision changes.
  • Getting more tired.
  • Getting more hungry.
  • Erectile dysfunction (for man).
  • Urinary tract infections, yeast infections, itchy skin etc. (for woman).


Causes of diabetes

Type 1 diabetes

  • The causes are still unknown.
  • Weak immune system can be the cause for this type of diabetes.
  • Genetically it can be transferred.  

 Type 2 diabetes

  •  Overweight or obese.
  •  Carrying extra weight.
  • Age more than 45
  • Physically inactive
  • Having high blood pressure.
  • Taking high cholesterol


 Gestational diabetes

  • high blood sugar during pregnancy.
  • Overweight woman.


Treatment of diabetes

  • Taking insulin.
  • Keeping blood pressure control
  • Eating hygiene food.
  • Making diet.
  • Doing regular exercise.

There are four types of insulin which are most commonly used for diabetes. They’re differentiated by their duration activity:


Starts to work

Working duration

Rapid-acting insulin

within 15 minutes

3 to 4 hours

Short-acting insulin

within 30 minutes

6 to 8 hours

Intermediate-acting insulin

within 1 to 2 hours

12 to 18 hours

Long-acting insulin

within a few hours

24 hours or longer


Best Mobile Phones of 2019

According to popularity the best Mobile Phone of 2019 are namely:
  • Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus
  • iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 8
  • iPhone 8 Plus
  • Redmi Note 8
  • Huawei P30 Pro
  • Redmi Note 7 Pro
  • Google Pixel 3 XL
  • HTC Exodus
  • OnePlus 7T Pro
  • Sony Xperia XZ Premium

What should do a diabetic patient during this coronavirus epidemic period?

Diabetes and COVID-19

It is a matter of sad that COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. For this reason, all of us around the world are worried about COVID-19. In another side, diabetes is one of the dangerous disease. Perhaps the diabetic patient may more worry about COVID-19. All of us need to be careful to avoid the COVID-19. If you are type 1 or type 2 diabetes patient, you must be more careful. Some research says that about 25 percent of the people who have severe coronavirus infection, they are diabetic patient. But don’t be worried, just you have to do something to avoid COVID-19.


What should do a diabetic patient during this coronavirus epidemic period?

  • ·         Best way is to stay home.
  • ·         Use face mask.
  • ·         Make distance (at least 3 feet) from other people while going outside (If emergency to go).
  • ·         Wash hands before you give yourself a finger stick or insulin shot.
  • ·         Keep your blood sugar under control.
  • ·         Use good hygiene.
  • ·         Better not to eat any food brought from outside.
  • ·         To control sugar, walk at home and do effective light exercise.
  • ·         Age of over 60 with diabetes people should stay in quarantine on their own.
  • ·         If the body is not so bad, it is better not to go to the hospital, stay home as long as you can.
  • ·         Need to keep extra glucagon and ketone strips.
  • ·         Maximum effort should be given to control the blood sugar without wasting any time.
  • ·         Insulin and other medications should keep in stock with maximum number.
  • ·         You can contact with doctors over phone is another best option.

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